BDRSuite by Vembu is a top-tier, comprehensive self-hosted backup and disaster recovery software meticulously designed to protect your business-critical data, dwelling across a wide range of environments including Virtual (VMware, Hyper-V, PROXMOX, oVirt), Physical Servers (Windows, Linux), Endpoints (Windows, Linux, Mac), SaaS (Microsoft 365, Google Workspace), Cloud Workloads (AWS, Azure), FileShare/NAS, Applications (MS Exchange, MS SharePoint), and Databases (MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL); with a diverse storage options such as On-Premise/ Remote storage, Private/Public cloud, and BDRCloud. With over two decades of expertise, Vembu has crafted BDRSuite to meet the unique needs of SMBs and MSPs, providing robust and reliable data protection against data loss or ransomware attacks all at an affordable price range.